Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Saturday December 19th
...I gave up my cast ... kinda like a person would give up smoking.. I didn't want to be dependant on it anymore..

Instead of the cast.. i wore a DC Skate shoe... and instead of having a swollen foot.. i had a CANKLE... ew.

Saw Mike after working 6 hours on my feet... He explained that my swollen foot is going to keep happening...
I've been with my foot UP for 3 months.. up = the blood rushes away ..
Once you put your foot DOWN.. the blood all collects down there.. especially since my calf has hardly been used... its not strong enough to pump the blood back up to the rest of my body.. so a sexy cankle its going to be.. at least for a bit.

My foot is still sore every morning... very stiff..
I love putting my foot in a hot water bucket.. doing my exercises.. Im actually getting to be a bit more flexible now. YAY.. finally.
I still cant complete a full step using my whole foot.. more like a half step then a limp...
All i need is a little bit of time..
I can actually rise up on my toes now (with 50% weight bearing)
It still feels very akward in the middle of my foot where i fractured it..

Each night its hard to fall asleep.. Since my feet ( both of them) are aching and throbbing... especially the broken foot...
I often find my heel is itchy too... itching usually means healing though right?

Who has two thumbs and loves Physio....

Tuesday December 15th

My 2nd Physio appointment with mike.
MOre of the same... lots of time spent massaging my foot and trying to stretch my muscles.. especially my calf...I gave up my crutches 3 days ago and have been walking around with my space boot on..

My heel feels very bruised.. as does the rest of my foot every time i walk..
I know my foot is still weak... when i try to walk down stairs and such.. (without the cast) I can't bend properly.. and my foot is just soo stiff.

I'm getting there though!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The GOOD Physiotherapist

TODAY! December 10th 2009

I went to see Michael the physiotherapist.
He started off Asking me about my lisfranc. and actually KNEW about lisfranc fractures.... I was impressed with him before he even started to touch my foot.

He spent 45 minutes helping me stretch my foot in all the different ways that it has not streched in the last 3 months.
We tested both feet to see how far I can have my toe away from the wall .. then bend my knee to touch the wall.
Today.. my bad foot is wayyy far off. I cant even touch the wall with my knee even when my toe is TOUCHING the wall!!! But we'll get there.

He has some exercises for me to do at home..
First of all.. roll a golf ball under my foot between my heel and the ball of my foot in that arch..
Spell the alphabet with big letters using my foot.
Grab a towel and scrunch it up along the floor using my toes.
And go swimming... stand at neck depth water.. try to rise up on my toes.. then move up a foot so the water is to my shoulders.. do the same.. Each week I should be able to go a little bit further out of the water.. :)

I'm pretty excited to be getting a move on with this injury. My goal is to be walking by Newyears without the boot.. without the crutches and no limp.


December 7th 2009

I booked my first Physio appointment.
Went in.. Sat in the room.. Met my Phyiotherapist.. she seemed nice..
She started playing with my foot and doing exercises.
Asked what bone I had broken. and i said "I fractured my lisfranc"
TO which she replied "Oh no honey.. lisfranc is the name of a person.. you must have ligament damage.. we'll get you back to normal in no time"

During the hour i spent at the physio.. I think I had a maximum of 15 minutes with the therapist.. she would set me up with an exercise machine.. then go work on someone else.

She also told me to try and wean myself off my aircast boot and not to use the crutches.
My Doctor had told me that I would probably need them for the first week or two.. especially the boot.

Needless to say.. I did NOT go back there.. but instead booked myself into the other physio clinic...

Tick Tock Tick Tock

December 5th 2009

7 Weeks later..

Have I mentioned that its my RIGHT foot that i broke? You know... the one you DRIVE with?
It's quite a hassle to get other people to constantly drive you around.
My poor boyfriend had to come home halfway through his work day.. to pick me up and take me to work.. since i can't take the bus (too icy and too far) and i dont have the cash for a taxi since I'm only working a few hours a week. CATCH22

I was now at 10 weeks of Non-weight-bearing on my foot. A trip down to the doctor had me praying that he would give me good news again.
He said i was healing 2 weeks ahead of schedule and that I could start weight bearing (with crutches for the next few weeks with my air cast still on) And start Physio!!!

I think I was dancing around ( mostly dancing) the next night.. It felt great to be able to even put that foot down for balance.
Although I knew without the boot my foot was weak and VERY VERY STIFF.

Back to the Hospital

October 22nd 2009

Between my diagnosis and follow up appointment.. (3 weeks)
I flew to Toronto to visit my mum.
Flew to England to visit my Dad, Grandmother and Brother.
Flying is fine as long as you take asprin every few hours to make sure not to get a blood clot. I would take advil at the off hours to try and reduce the swelling.. and did NOT remove my boot while flying.. otherwise my foot would have swelled even more.

The entire time i spent with my family I did not once step on my foot... I kept it Elevated as much as possible.
(Laying on your back gets boring.. so I would lay on my front with laptop in front of me.. and lean my foot against the arm rest of the couch to keep my foot above my heart)

If I went out for long periods of time .. my foot would be pretty swollen by the end of the day... All the while I wiggled my toes.
Crutches also suck.. your arms get so sore.. it makes things like shopping or sightseeing a real hassle unless you can hire a wheelchair.

So back in Vancouver.. I bambi'd* TWICE on the slippery ground at the airport
*Think of Bambi on the ice... all 4 limbs starfish style.... I did that with my crutches... landed on my foot the first time.. then my face... I did it TWICe within a few minutes..
I was very worried that I had further injured myself... But I was ok.

The Follow up appointment with the doc turned out to be a good one.
He said i was healing well.. and to come see him in another 6-7 weeks.

The hardest part about this injury is the Time spent waiting..

I kept busy with movies, tv shows and tried to make a little bit of cash crocheting and selling hats.
Then i went back to work and did office/ sit down jobs for a few weeks.

Bad news for me and my foot

One of my best friends was absolutely lovely.... Drove me to the city..
We left Whistler at 5:45am just to make sure we made the appointment on time.

Got to the hospital before 8am..checked in.
We sat and Waited... and waited and waited (as you do in hospitals)

It was quite funny that we could tell the porters where each patient was that they were looking for..since we had nothing better to do than pay attention to all that was going on around us (while playing 2 rounds of iphone scrabble)
"the young family with the sick little toddler is behind the curtain of bed #4"
"The teen with a burned hand is behind the curtain over at bed #1"

2:30 Rolls around.. I go for my CT Scan

4:15.. I see the Doctor
He lays it on me.
You've got a lisfranc fracture- look it up on the internet to get the full history of the name and information about it.
YOu have injured your midfoot.. its a very rare fracture. 1 in 55thousand broken feet. It also has a very long recovery time and possibly not a full recovery.

FOr the next 12 weeks you need to stay off your foot. Put NO pressure on it.. do not STEP on it.
Right now you are at a 50% chance of every being able to Run, Dance, Play sports, Snowboard ever again.. if you step on your foot..your chances decrease.

I have chosen not to operate.. I hope your foot can heal itself.. in a few weeks we'll get another xray to see how you're doing. If the bones have shifted .. I will have to put pins in to keep them together.. but for now lets just do it this way.

So they gave me one of those air casts to keep my foot in place. ($160) and tried to sell me a SOck.. for $30.. yah right! (bought 10 pairs of fuzzy socks for the same price at walmart) and sent me on my way.

The rest of that day I spent crying while trying to tell my mum that I would be off work for 3 months..
My first broken bone... of course I had to break it REAL GOOD!

Xrays and MORE xrays...

September 24th 2009

Wake up at 8am.. my foot is double the size it should be.. It looks like a sausage..busting at the seams.. and theres already some bruising starting to show up.

A trip to the emergency room is in order.

3 Xrays later.. the doctor can't see anything..but he suspects something is pretty wrong considering my foot is huge and painful to stand on.

5 Xrays later he thinks he can see something.. If he's correct with his diagnosis.. I'm going to need to see an orthopedic surgeon.
So he books me in the next morning down in the city for a CT Scan and an appointment with Dr.Bagoo.

Tells me not to eat after midnight just in case the doc in the city needs to operate.

Price of crutches $80.
I refused them.. got them from a local charity shop. only $10.

In the beginning

September 23rd 2009

I went out for a fun night with the girls.
We were dressed up in our cute little dresses with cute little dress shoes.
The manager of Bill's nightclub was nice enough to give us a VIP booth...
We drank pink champagne... danced around for an hour and a half...
Around 12:40pm we decided to go over to one of the other night clubs...

As i left the club.. i found 2 guys I work with.. they were just about to get some pizza before heading to the same club I was going to.
Great idea! "I'll go get it"

Picture this. A paper plate with pizza on it in my left hand. A paper plate with pizza on it in my right hand.. 8 stairs in front of me.
I tripped on the top step.. my right foot under me as i fell down the stairs.
The Pizza... stayed on the plate.. because I didnt put my hands down to catch myself as i fell.

Upon trying to get up.. I realized I couldnt put weight on my foot. So I went home.

My friend Jess Carried me over to the taxi loop.

I got out of the taxi..started crawling up the 60 steps to my house...all of a sudden a wave of pain hit me.. and I started crying uncontrollably.
I called my boyfriend .. he came out and carried me upstairs. (If the situation had been reversed I definately wouldn't be able to carry him up!!!)

By this time my foot was starting to swell.. and hurt A LOT.
Ice packs on the foot.. advil for the inflammation.. and I finally fell asleep around 4am.