Thursday, December 10, 2009

Back to the Hospital

October 22nd 2009

Between my diagnosis and follow up appointment.. (3 weeks)
I flew to Toronto to visit my mum.
Flew to England to visit my Dad, Grandmother and Brother.
Flying is fine as long as you take asprin every few hours to make sure not to get a blood clot. I would take advil at the off hours to try and reduce the swelling.. and did NOT remove my boot while flying.. otherwise my foot would have swelled even more.

The entire time i spent with my family I did not once step on my foot... I kept it Elevated as much as possible.
(Laying on your back gets boring.. so I would lay on my front with laptop in front of me.. and lean my foot against the arm rest of the couch to keep my foot above my heart)

If I went out for long periods of time .. my foot would be pretty swollen by the end of the day... All the while I wiggled my toes.
Crutches also suck.. your arms get so sore.. it makes things like shopping or sightseeing a real hassle unless you can hire a wheelchair.

So back in Vancouver.. I bambi'd* TWICE on the slippery ground at the airport
*Think of Bambi on the ice... all 4 limbs starfish style.... I did that with my crutches... landed on my foot the first time.. then my face... I did it TWICe within a few minutes..
I was very worried that I had further injured myself... But I was ok.

The Follow up appointment with the doc turned out to be a good one.
He said i was healing well.. and to come see him in another 6-7 weeks.

The hardest part about this injury is the Time spent waiting..

I kept busy with movies, tv shows and tried to make a little bit of cash crocheting and selling hats.
Then i went back to work and did office/ sit down jobs for a few weeks.

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